Ben and Nicky kick-started Honey during the national lockdown in 2020. The inspiration for the brand came from the family’s love for cycling and Nicky’s desire for attractive, comfortable, women’s specific cycling kit. On the bike, function trumps form, because nobody wants to be uncomfortable. That said, looking great makes you feel comfortable too. And Honey Custom Apparel aims to ensure you do just that.

Hailing from Knysna, Nicky is an avid and often competitive cyclist. While results and racing are important parts of her association with cycling, she’s drawn back to the bike by group rides, coffee stops and the close friendships the sport has brought her. None of which would have been possible without the support of her family.
As in her cycling life the foundation of Honey Custom Apparel would not have been possible without her parents Hein and Suzi, or her brother Ben. The Giliomee family were all instrumental; providing inspiration, motivation and hours of free manual labour. But that’s what family is for… especially little brothers, who don’t have a choice but to help their older sisters. With Suzi’s keen eye for detail and fashion, Hein’s business acumen and Ben’s hard labour the Giliomee clan pulled together to bring Honey Custom Apparel to life.
Whether you’re riding the Absa Cape Epic, your local mountain bike race or just cruising on a coffee ride with your friends there’s no reason not to look your best. Each Honey Custom Apparel garment is painstakingly designed by Nicky, with the input of her close network of cycling friends, and then rigorously tested. Only garments which meet her exacting standards will be seen on the roads and trails.

Though she prefers rides involving coffee stops, scones or chocolate-chip cookies, Nicky is no stranger to pinning on a race number. She won the Absa Cape Epic’s Virgin Active Mixed Category, in 2018, and was crowned champion, in torrential rain, at the 2019 Karoo to Coast. At each of her major races she’s worn custom cycling kit, which eventually led her to realise that she should probably turn her hobby into a business.
One of her favourite custom kits was the one she wore to Karoo to Coast victory. Inspired by the Guide Dog Association of South Africa, one of the event’s charity beneficiaries, it featured the silhouettes of golden retrievers on a navy jersey.
Standing out from the crowds on the start line is important to Nicky, but not more so than perfectly fitting kit. Each Honey Custom Apparel item is thus made from the best possible materials and thoroughly tested, to ensure a comfortable fit. This process started with the bib shorts, continue through the jerseys and will continue as a day-to-day essential of the brand. If Nicky, or any Honey Custom Apparel ambassador, is riding her bike she’s product testing, helping refine the next generation of garments for their fellow cyclists.